21 May The Vision Board

At Concourse Scattered, one of Unique People Services Scattersite Supportive Housing Program we aim to garner the best possible staff to serve our community. We want to highlight the work of our Peer Advocate, Pamela S.
Ms. Pamela S. as she likes to be called started in her role as Peer Advocate at Concourse Scattered in September 2020. Ms. Pamela S. works tirelessly with our tenants and believes in the power of setting goals and realizing them. Ms. Pamela S. introduced the Vision Board concept to the tenants who readily bought in. Below is an article written by Ms. Pamela S. about her work:
The Vision Board is a creative process that is used to set clear intentions and goals for what you want to achieve in your life. The Board is composed using many different styles, elements, words, pictures, images and affirmations, basically anything that will inspire you to act by visually seeing the creation daily. It really does work when you put your mind to it and actually want to be moved to accomplish what it is that you are seeking. A Vision Board is a tool that can be used to help one clarify, concentrate, and maintain focus on what truly matters to them.
The most common pitfalls of a Vision Board are not putting things on the board that will spark emotion in the individual. A person has to be ready to be inspired and influenced by their own wants, dreams and desires, because if you don’t have an emotional connection to your Vision Board it will not spark you to take action.
Once a goal or goals are achieved the Vision Board needs to be updated with new desires and wants that one wants to achieve. The Vision Board should bring up feelings from within that are so powerful that they cause you to act. Looking at your Vision Board should bring you joy and feelings of happiness deep within you. Every image, thing or words on your Vision Board should be so powerfully connected to your emotional desires that they cause you to act. Daily engagement with your Vision Board is mandatory and should be apart of your everyday routine to remind yourself of what it is that you are looking forward to having in your life. These are Visual Goals that you will look at when home and once created you should place the Vision Board in a place where you can see it without much effort.
As life changes our goals and dreams change, therefore our Vision Board can change with us and we have to be willing to stay consistent and take the necessary actions and steps to win.
My name is Ms. Pamela S. the Peer Advocate at the Concourse Scattered Program and we have begun implementing the use of Vision Boards and have seen Tenants achieve some of their goals. It is “Absolutely Amazing”!!! I have truly enjoyed bringing this Project Alive at our Job Site with the Tenants that we serve. To give an example one Tenant wanted to focus on building their Inner Strength and we saw a total change in their attitude . One tenant who lost their valuables was inspired to buy a Television which was a goal of theirs. From present goals to futuristic wants, dreams and desires these Tenants are on the road to achieving as long as they continue to use their Vision Boards as a tool for manifestating their dreams and goals as they have been taught.
Now let’s all make Vision Boards and Soar to Our Own Personal Goals and Dreams!!!