20 Jan Kick-starting a Year of Hopes, Dreams and Brighter Futures for Low-Income New Yorkers
Raw winter weather has done nothing to slow progress on Lynn’s Place, as Unique People Services’ first affordable housing complex continues to come to life.
Nearly 30 workers are collaborating on this monumental team effort – from carpenters and plumbers, to electricians and masonry crews.
To date, Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS) color coat finish is nearing completion at the building’s courtyard facades. North and east side façade insulation, partition framing (on all floors) and mechanical/electrical/plumbing (MEP) roughing are also being completed.

Field reports have Lynn’s Place 100% on target for its September 22nd completion date. With every meeting, we grow more excited as our dream for improving the lives of low-income residents inches closer to reality!